AssetWise Director Help

Managing Locations

A location is an identifiable entity in AssetWise that can be associated with an object to describe the object’s physical position. The location can be a site, area, place, or spot where the object is installed, stored, deployed, or whatever the case may be. Locations can be allocated to the following objects:

  • persons
  • organizations
  • physical items and their serialized items
  • other locations
  • grouped virtual items
  • documents and their document copies
  • change requests
  • events
  • virtual item groups and virtual items
  • projects
  • tags

Locations can be structured in a hierarchical manner through parent-component relationships to denote, for example:

  • The complete geographical breakdown of a plant
  • Hardcopy storage locations for documents

You can classify locations to denote the type of location, such as document location, item installed position, and so on.

Note: To create a new location, you must have the New Object Instances > Location permission.